Mountain Diver

My journalling is getting increasingly, err - trippy one might say, or spiritual. I name myself at the start of each journal entry and then what comes out is a curious combination of longing, my sense of spirit, what I want to share with the world and myself.
I've had a sort of block about getting in touch with that more fey world, because it seemed so aimless or uninterpretable - perhaps my need to understand it? Perhaps to know it consciously. And now what I am finding is that it brings a sense of peace, a deeper sense of knowing, not thinking, that grounds something in me, rather than in what I think should be me.
What's in a name? More than I could have thought. My name has opened and permitted a newer, enriched sense of me. It's like that part of me can be heard and spoken of now.
If you want to hear the call of a Diver (loon) go to ...
And I recommend the WAIL. Imagine being by a lake in the evening, under a great mountain and see if your spirit remains asleep.
Loons have always given me shivers - such beautiful noises they make. Thanks for the link to the sounds, you've made my morning by taking me back to memories of evenings on lakes Jamie Diver. Much love.
Aliaena, at Monday, February 20, 2006
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