Talking Sticks

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Purpose and mission and me

I can never experience the world because my perception keeps getting in the way of it! Where does my projection end and the world begin? Or yours, for that matter?

Attachment, ego, lack of compassion and judgment arise from the dissonant stuff in my life. They create desire and desire creates suffering. If my stake, my purpose arises from such desire then it will just be an instrument of suffering. Everything I do from that place will be lessened in impact because it is still tangled up in me: it will be like delivering a punch underwater, cutting with a blunt knife, like fighting in a loose robe that tangles the handle of the sword!

So, where do I find my purpose, and how do I stay sufficiently non-attached, sufficiently non-desirous to be able to deliver it? In service? Perhaps, though definitely not if service arises out of feeding or placating something dissonant. Interestingly, even resonant stuff, when tinged with desire and attachment becomes painful. So what is a truly non-attached resonance like? Is it possible at all?! That is the place to look for mission and purpose.
Where does personal development end and leadership start? They don't; they are absolutely and inescapably linked. If the purpose of personal awareness is to expose my dissonant and feed the resonant, then it is always pointing me to a more effective stake and purpose.
Say what you like, I really do think it's a fascinating and deeply meaningful navel.
With love


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