What's in a name?
Mountain Diver
I want to be greeted by you - leave a comment please. There is a ritual waiting to happen for me too, more on that later.
In my dream, I waved goodbye to the gull and albatross which have been with me for a long time. In meditation, journalling and my dreams the words 'devoted', 'devil', 'duiker', 'dark' and 'dreamer' have all been circulating. When I found the word 'diver' my whole body shivered.
Divers are birds, (family Gaviidae) in N. America they are called loons, in Scandinavia they are called, ~lom (Islom, Smaalom, Gulnnebblom and Storlom). In Dutch: Duiker; German Taucher (Sterntaucher, Eistaucher), in French Plongeur.
They are the birds I always want to see when in the North, they are the first page of the bird books, they are captivating. They are sleek, strong and their colours are perfectly clear and defined. They are devoted partners. I have spent many hours watching them. I find a rare peace and tranquility when swimming underwater. They have some very odd behaviours, dancing on their back legs across the water, rolling onto their side while swimming to preen their feathers and crying out with such eerie noises as to break your heart. The loon's cry is said to be the cry of dead warriors calling to the world, or a dead warrior seeking his beloved.
I then looked into native American traditions; and the diver includes many concepts, the principal ones of which are:
dreaming and awakening spirit
creative inspiration
serenity, peace and tranquility
deep devotion and loyalty
communication and oration
seeming judgmental and unsympathetic
I also include:
water and flow
The Mountain brings
strength and power
clarity and wisdom
roots and belonging
We shall see where my names take me.
Ho Mountain diver!
Sounds perfect to me.
I salute you - with love.
Aliaena, at Monday, February 20, 2006
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