Return from Sitges...

Apparently I am lucky to be alive this morning, my snoring was of such a high standard last night that I kept Elly, and the herd of cows in the farm opposite, awake most of the night. Oops.
Well, anyway, yesterday I spent a lovely day with Ana, and we also met with our friend Conchita, spent some time wandering about Sitges, talking, looking around and relaxing.
Ana found a perfect children's book, about a boy who visits his own private sea at night when he gets into bed. And thinking of homecoming and leaving the tribe, this seemed to be the perfect message from it:
"Una noche empecé a perderme en él para siempre. Tuve que pedir ayuda. Hay que tener la cabeza fría cuando estás en situaciones difíciles. A mí no me costó. Llamé a mi padre.
No sé cómo lo hizo para encontrarme pero me gustó descubrir que hasta en los rincones más recónditos hay alguien que te echa una mano. Aunque sean secretos."
Which (apologies to all Spanish speakers) apparently translates to something like:
"One night I began to lose myself in it forever (my private sea). I had to ask for help. It pays to keep a cool head in difficult situations. For me there was nothing to lose. I called out to my father.
I don't know how he came to me, but it was nice to discover that even in the most hidden places, there is always somebody there for you. Even if they are secret."
Be well, be with others, be with me.
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