Plain old fashioned making-wrong rant
How I despise the magazine of the UK's HR profession: I've seldom read such a greater collation of inhuman, utilitarian, intellectualising, pontificating, over-complicating, pedantic rubbish. And this criticism is from a dyed-in-the-wool inhuman, utilitarian, intellectualising, pontificating, complicating pedant.
Vile, utterly vile, pernicious and poisonous.
People spend a third to a half of their waking life at work. So it is time that workplaces realise they are not engaged in making money or satisfying shareholders but in allowing people to lead fulfilling and 'meaningful' lives...or in most cases preventing or ignoring that.
Seeds of a project?
Vile, utterly vile, pernicious and poisonous.
People spend a third to a half of their waking life at work. So it is time that workplaces realise they are not engaged in making money or satisfying shareholders but in allowing people to lead fulfilling and 'meaningful' lives...or in most cases preventing or ignoring that.
Seeds of a project?
Reminds me of the trip to the airport by train on our way to Barcelona. All the sad looking people getting out at the main trainstation to spend yet another boring day behind their desks doing useless jobs, because the people and the organisations fail to see the skilled souls behind...
Definitely seeds.
And I cannot but agree with your comments about the HR Magazine...
BTW, if you have not yet read the ancestral mind...order it !
Pippi Langkous, at Thursday, June 01, 2006
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