Mr Why?s Guy
These are names for me: trickster, genius, idiot, eccentric, useless, beautiful, poet, ENFP, Jamie (all these things and many more...)
The names I give myself (even the negative ones) help me to understand an aspect of myself and provide an explanation for why I might feel or behave in that way or this way. Something similar happens in therapy or self-analysis "I feel like this because these things happened to me and I am like this". I like to think that these "reasons why" open up a pathway for legitimising my feelings and behaviours and help me to find compassion for myself, for example, "I'm allowed to feel like this because I am an eccentric".
HANG ON! I just noticed that this is based on a deeper, entirely shitty, notion that somehow I need to legitimise my feelings and behaviours - to prove (mostly to myself, I guess) that underneath it all, I'm still an OK kind of guy. WHAT A LOAD OF CRAP! Finding such justifications, and asking "why?" keeps me doing endless intellectual thinking loops - I mean my gremlin can't get enough of me trying to justify or explain myself.
So, how about this as an alternative - wherever I am, however I am, I am just fine - perfect even. I am perfectly and exquisitely me. There ain't nobody else like me! All the analysing, asking why, finding labels and explaining is unnecessary, I don't need to understand or think so much and I get to love being naturally me. I even get to surprise myself with how I be and what I do.
Wow, the relief of ending up there.
You are perfect!
Anonymous, at Tuesday, May 02, 2006
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