Talking Sticks

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Sustainable leadership

What if
leadership is natural?
What if
you being you is your spirit walking?
What if
community is support and challenge?
What if
money is for sustenance?

What if
confusion is spirit's way of telling us to stop thinking
What if
the simpler truth is always there
What if
we remembered to see it

What if
we stop to smell the roses
while they are still here to smell?

Saturday, June 24, 2006

well, here we are

Finally, I'm back!
The office conversion is as done as it's going to be, the computers are moved, the world returns to something like normality and I can find space to be me a little more, rather than a walking/talking plumbing, electrician, decorator, carpet fitting carpenter.
Although it drives me to distraction not having all the right tools and so on, there's something very pleasing about being able to say - there, I did that. Particularly because to get a tradesman to do the work costs a fortune and never ends up how you want it anyway!
Simple pleasures. Oh yes, and the other stuff.

Leadership, hrmm. Wil be rengaging soon.
The new office feels wonderfully renewing.
Times shift.
Things move.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

A while ago

I remembered I had a blog.
Well, life rolls on.
Leadership projects.
Morning rituals.
Too many train journeys.
Not enough writing.
Fitting radiators (I know, bizarre, isn;t it).

Write down the first five words that you think of when you read EACH of the following:







And then see what a complex world of imagination you live in.

Let go.


Monday, June 05, 2006

Strange times

I know on retreat we were playing with space and time but does that mean everything now should take fifteen times as long as it used to? If we don;t finsih this mini-conversion project soon I shall scream.


Leadership project a-brewing. It involves (of course) bringing together the perfection of human spirit and also environmental/natural world. These are two fields that have lain together in my work life for a while, and most of the time I've been wanting to ditch the environment and work with the people bit. but the environmental side just will not leave me alone. So the next quest is how to bring them together...I have so many ideas, some of which are even related, that if I can find a path along with them, I'll be delighted.

I've given up on the notion of finding the right idea and am open to the idea that maybe it just takes me to tie together all the ideas that keep coming back and see what emerges. Just start something, I suppose.

Also determined that it must make me money - to live on, otherwise is not sustainable and what kind of a Bigger Game is that. (Sue and I went on the Bigger Game a few years ago, it makes mpore sense now than it did then!).

Anyway - simplicity and complexity, nature, letting go, beauty, perfection of self and damned well saving the planet - those are the themes. let's see where we go.

I know I will need co-players for this one, too.


Thursday, June 01, 2006

Plain old fashioned making-wrong rant

How I despise the magazine of the UK's HR profession: I've seldom read such a greater collation of inhuman, utilitarian, intellectualising, pontificating, over-complicating, pedantic rubbish. And this criticism is from a dyed-in-the-wool inhuman, utilitarian, intellectualising, pontificating, complicating pedant.

Vile, utterly vile, pernicious and poisonous.

People spend a third to a half of their waking life at work. So it is time that workplaces realise they are not engaged in making money or satisfying shareholders but in allowing people to lead fulfilling and 'meaningful' lives...or in most cases preventing or ignoring that.

Seeds of a project?